"The Syrian Conflict - Causes, Prospects and Lessons Learnt"

On October 1 - 3, 2013 on Public Dialogues website an internet press conference "The Syrian Conflict - Causes, Prospects and Lessons Learnt" with participation of invited experts from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Russia was held.
What internal or externals factors caused the launch of the conflict in Syria and what contributed to its extreme aggravation?
What possible scenarios of future development are there?
What lessons should the other countries and the international community learn from the Syrian conflict?
For the answers to these and a number of other questions see the full text of the discussion: http://publicdialogues.info/node/584 



30 January, 2014
Сразу после новогодних праздников граждан Армении ввергли в шок декабрьские счета за газ и электроэнергию.

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